My Other Kitties
Jasmine looking scared
My mother gave Jasmine away about a year ago because she had digestive problems and threw up all the time. She was a very sweet kitty and I miss her. My mother's an unsensitive bitch.
Sam looking old
Sam was my Grandma's kitty and when she died he became our kitty. Sam passed away half a year ago. He just wasn't happy without my Grandma and he was very old. We all miss him.
Jeremy as a kitten
Jeremy is my sister's boyfriend's kitty. I took care of him for awile when he was a kitten so he'll always be one of my kitties.
Jeremy sitting
Look! He's all grown up now. Isn't he cute?
Jeremy looking up
Jeremy laying down looking kingly
Riely sitting on a chair
Riely is my sister's boyfriend's other kitty. I also took care of him for awile when he was a kitten. Isn't so cross eyed? It's really not his fault, he's inbread
Riely's hiding
I found him!
Riely standing up
Riely in his little cubby
Riely and my sister's boyfriend looking pissed off
I have more pic of Riely because he loves the camera and Jeremy hates it, it's not my fault
Jeremy and Riely being sweet
Jeremy and Riely not being so sweet
Murry looking cute
Murry is a cat that lives in my neigborhood. He's very sweet and loving and always greets me when I get home. He has the cutest little meow.
Mury walking
Nala laying under a desk
Nala is the youngest of my boyfriend's kitties. I've known her sense she was a kitten. She's a crazy bitch when she's in heat but usually she's the cutest and sweetest a person could hope for.
Nala looking cute
Nala sitting around
Nala trying to sleep
Patches sitting around
Patches is my boyfriend's oldest kitty. She's always sweet and loving. I keep trying to get him to hook her up with a boy kitty so she has kittens. I want a kitten just like her.
Patches walking
Patches pretty face
Patches on her favorite blanket
Patches looking alert
Click here to see the most wonderful kitty in the entire world